Lincoln Statue

Centre Learning Commons

Are you having trouble remembering what you've studied? Having difficulty getting all your assignments done on time? Disappointed with your grades? The Centre Learning Commons can help!

Schedule an Appointment

The Centre Learning Commons, adjacent to Einstein’s Bagels on the main floor of the Grace Doherty Library in Crounse Hall, is open during the library’s hours of operation. The space includes office suites, innovative and tech-savvy spaces for individual and group study, seminar rooms, and an information kiosk. CLC programming and resources include, but are not limited to, comprehensive and inclusive academic peer tutoring and mentoring, assistance with time management and organization strategies, academic support services (e.g. the Writing Center, the Proctoring Center, ESL services, academic accommodations, etc.), study skills and college preparedness workshops, summer programming focused on high-school-to-college transitions and skill building (e.g. math, writing skills, etc.), and extensive web-based and other digital resources.

Our Mission

The mission of the Centre Learning Commons is to maximize the academic success and personal growth of all Centre students. This is achieved through individual consultations, workshops, and seminars designed in collaboration with other academic support services such as Academic Affairs, the Grace Doherty Library, the Center for Teaching and Learning, and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion. Additional collaborators include the Center for Career and Professional Development, Counseling Services, Title IX, Athletics, Student Life, Student Government, and individual academic programs.


Group Study and Peer Tutor Sessions

Group tutor sessions are available in a wide variety of academic disciplines. Most sessions are scheduled Sunday-Thursday evenings in the Centre Learning Commons. Click on the link below for a list of sessions for the Fall semester. For information about available help sessions and tutoring, contact the Centre Learning Commons; Dr. Brian Cusato or Karen Tubb.

Group Study and Peer Tutor Sessions 

Peer Tutoring at Centre College

Peer Tutors are recommended by Centre faculty and staff and complete an education program of professional development. Instructors are invited to use this link to submit a student recommendation. Are you a qualified student interested in serving as a peer tutor? Request that your previous instructor submit a recommendation.

One-on-One Peer Tutoring 

In addition to the group tutoring sessions, one-on-one tutoring is also available in most academic disciplines.  To schedule an appointment with a Peer Tutor, use the Appointment feature on the Navigate Student App (you can download the app from the App Store or Google Play). For more information contact Dr. Brian Cusato or Karen Tubb.

Writing Consultations

Student writing consultants provide aid ​and constructive feedback for any writing assignment, in any class, at any phase of the writing process. The Writing Center is located on the lower level of Crounse, right below the library. Additional information about the Writing Center and current hours of operation may be found on the Writing Center website.

Study Skills and Time Management

The CLC offers programming to help students transition to the rigor and expectations of college academics, and when needed, enhance their academic skills throughout their four years at Centre. Seminars and workshops in time management, reading efficiency, and study strategies occur periodically during the academic year.

Students may also meet with a member of the Centre Learning Commons staff to design a personalized study plan. Individual consultations are available upon request and scheduled via the Appointment feature on the Navigate Student App (you can download the app from the App Store or Google Play). You may also contact Dr. Brian Cusato or Karen Tubb to schedule an appointment.

Navigate Student App

The Navigate Student App is where students can make appointments with professors, advisors, Peer Tutors and more. Students can also see their class schedule, connect with study buddies, create their own to-do lists, and see who is on their success team. The Navigate Student App is available through the App Store and Google Play. For more information please contact the Navigate Specialist on campus, Karen Tubb

STEM Resources

Centre Faculty and students have compiled an extensive collection of resources specifically designed to help students perform at their best in Centre’s science and math courses through these STEM-specific resources.

Study Spaces

Centre Learning Commons
Sunday: 9 am to 12 am
Monday-Thursday: 7:30 am to 12 am
Friday: 7:30 am to 6 pm
Saturday: 9 am to 6 pm 

Campus Center
24 hours a day, seven days a week
Swipe Card access after 11 pm

Young Hall Classrooms: 101, 102, 111, 112, 114, 138, 139, 140
Young Hall Computer Labs: 134, 213
Monday-Thursday: open 4 pm to midnight
Friday: open until 8 pm
New Addition: Saturday open 1 to 8 pm
Sunday: open 1 pm to midnight

Academic Support Resources and Helpful links

 Support Services

Support services for students eligible for academic accommodations is coordinated by the Director of the Centre Learning Commons, Dr. Brian Cusato. Accommodations for students with special diet and/or housing needs are coordinated in collaboration with the Student Life Office. Students are asked to submit appropriate documentation and are counseled individually to determine appropriate accommodations and identify resources. For more information about accessibility services.  For information about accommodations.

Assistive Technologies

The Centre Learning Commons provides tools and technologies to help students with special needs thrive in the classroom. This is arranged on a case-by-case basis. View a representative sample of available tools and resources. For more information or additional assistance, contact Dr. Brian Cusato in the Centre Learning Commons, or Kristi Burch in Information Technology Services. 

Centre College welcomes students from around the country and the world. The unique perspectives international and multilingual students bring enrich our campus community. To aid students whose primary language is not English, the Centre Learning Commons in conjunction with the Writing Centre provides help with grammar and pronunciation, oral presentations, projects, and essays.

ESL Resources


Resources & Support for ESL/ELL College Students
55 ESL Resources for English Language Learners
Dave’s ESL café

Speaking practice sites

BBC Learning English
Talk English


Culips ESL Podcast  Listeners receive help learning English idioms, new study tips, and pronunciation practice.
Luke’s English Podcast  Listeners learn ESL tips and instruction to help them build their English vocabulary. There are transcripts for each episode, so listeners can read while they listen.


Memrise  This app is free and uses exercises and mnemonic methods, so learners practice recalling new English vocabulary words. 
Busuu This app is geared toward adults and features dozens of exercises for all skill levels.
SpeakingPal  This app helps ESL students build on foundational English skills. It also has a voice recognition feature, which provides feedback on learners’ word usage and pronunciation.

The Proctoring Center is open Monday through Friday 8-4 pm and is located on the 1st floor (lower level) of Crounse Hall. Proctoring services are available to all Centre students and coordinated through the Centre Learning Commons, but use of the Proctoring Center is available by reservation only, as requested by an instructor.

Access the Proctoring Center reservation system

Contact test proctors: Bonnie Trachsel and Amanda Wood at 859-238-6541.

Finding Your Centre (FYC)

FYC 001: Finding Your Centre is a 1 credit hour, graded (A-U) course designed to support students as they navigate the transition from high school to college, and help students develop the knowledge and skills that they need to be successful at Centre. For questions or additional information, contact the Assistant Director of Student Academic Support and FYC Coordinator, Ansley Bredar.

First Generation Resources

Centre provides a diverse array of support for first generation college students to help this population of students thrive.  If you would like to suggest additional resources, please contact Sarah Scott.

Library Services

Librarians work with students to find resources, evaluate and integrate sources, refine research topics, and advise on proper citation formats. For all of these services, and to find answers to all of your library-related questions, contact your librarians.

Grace Doherty Library

International Student Services

Centre College welcomes and supports students from around the country and the world.  Have questions? contact Jessica Leonard

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion

The ODI provides mentoring, programming, and resources for all faculty, staff, and students on the topics around diversity and inclusion, including the many affinity, cultural, and religious groups represented on campus. For information or assistance, faculty and staff should contact Melinda Weathers; students should contact Jessica Chisley. Add website link.

Diversity and Inclusion

The Center for Career and Professional Development

The Center for Career and Professional Development helps students connect their academic work to career success. Career counselors can help students choose a  major, explore careers related to your major, and find internships that can supplement and build upon your coursework. For more information or to schedule an appointment call 859-238-5283 or email us at

Center for Career and Professional Development

Centre Global

Centre believes that all students should have the opportunity to pursue a study abroad experience, but is also aware of the challenges that many diverse and underrepresented groups of students may face when considering education abroad. Such challenges include limited finances, minimum support, and discrimination. Centre Global is here to help you meet these challenges by providing resources to help you navigate and prepare for your study abroad experience.

Centre Global

One on one tutoring

One-on-One Tutoring

Peer tutors are available for most classes. If you need help with understanding course material, tips for how to study, or help in preparing for an exam, click below to schedule time with a peer tutor.

Study spaces

Study Spaces

The Centre Learning Commons has study rooms, seminar rooms, tables, booths, whiteboards, and monitors for projecting digital projects. Reserve your space today!

Student working on laptop computer in a booth at the library

Writing Center

The Writing Center can help with your papers at any phase of the writing process. Whether it’s a first draft or second draft or not-even-close-to-a-draft, consultants will work with you to flesh out your ideas, fine-tune your thesis statement, organize your paragraphs, and look at your sentence mechanics.

Centre Learning Commons Staff

Staff in the CLC implement best practice strategies for providing academic support services to all students including student populations with specific needs (e.g. learning disabilities, autism spectrum, ESL, ASL, and underprepared and/or academically at-risk students.) CLC staff also serve as a resource for those seeking advice (students, advisors, faculty) on strategies to improve academic performance, and will assist students in developing individualized learning plans, strengthening executive functioning skills, and facilitating self-advocacy. Students are encouraged to contact the Assistant Dean and Director of the Centre Learning Commons to schedule a personal consultation.
Person wearing glasses smiling

Brian Cusato

  • Dean of Student Success
  • Director of Centre Learning Commons
  • Classroom Accommodations Coordinator
  • Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience
Person smiling

Azita Osanloo

  • Associate Professor of English
  • Writing Center Director
Lady with shoulder length silver hair wearing red glasses, necklace, black top in front of black studio background

Karen Tubb

  • Assistant Director of the Centre Learning Commons